Live, Create, Achieve with your Strengths! - facebook group

Live, Create, Achieve with your Strengths!

Welcome to TLnC Strengths Community™

This is the official Facebook group for both fans and customers of and Anybody can join this group. It is not restricted to customers only.

If you're interested in unlocking your talents, transforming them into your Strengths, Strengths coaching/consulting, self-improvement, high performance, mindset and relentless drive to constantly improve in frames of your Business, Career, Family or Personal life based on who you truly are -- this group is for you!

Ask questions, get help, learn, take action, get results and celebrate by "ringing the bell" when you create or achieve anything thanks to your Strengths.

Rules: No complaining of any kind, no promotions, no negativity. If you break any of the rules you will be banned without warning.

Seek to help others before asking for help yourself. What you put into this group will reflect in what you get out.

This is the official Facebook group.

It is for peer to peer support and is NOT the support channel for and it's offerings. support is available Mon-Fri 9AM-5PM.

Our email is -

To your Strengths-based Success!

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Zebra Tower (8 piętro)
00-640 Warszawa

Jedyna firma na świecie oferująca Consulting Strategiczny w oparciu o Mocne Strony, przy wykorzystywaniu unikatowego know-how Instytutu GALLUPA, w połączeniu z metodologią GeniusFormulaTM.

Fundacja Genius Life
KRS 0000866845
NIP 7011002615
ul. Mokotowska 1
00-640 Warszawa
+48 576 300 320

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